Fleeting Seasons

An exhibition of botanical art by Poppy-Lee Jennings celebrating the nature of swift seasonal changes.

This exhibition features pieces exploring the botanical and mycological species spotted in green spaces across Leeds. It includes watercolour paintings, pencil sketches, block prints, ink drawings, collages, and mixed-media art.

Throughout the exhibition’s duration Poppy-Lee will be leading a series of workshops looking at different forms of botanical art, including Watercolour Mushroom Painting, Botanical Drawing, Clay Sculptures, and Landscape Collaging.

20/11/24 - 31/12/24

Left Bank Leeds

Evening Workshops

  • Watercolour Mushrooms

    Workshop, 20/11/24

    In this class you'll learn the basics of painting mycological watercolour studies, exploring colour, light and shape to depict these beautiful fungi.

  • Botanical Drawing 101

    Workshop, 27/11/24

    Join Poppy-Lee for a beginner's workshop in botanical illustration where you'll learn different mediums and techniques in botanical drawing.

  • Landscape Collages

    Workshop, 04/12/24

    Explore the art of collage by combining the medium with nature studies and landscapes. Learn new ways to bring out colour and texture with collage.

  • Clay Mushroom Sculptures

    Workshop, 11/12/24

    Poppy-Lee will be leading this beginner's workshop where you'll learn to sculpt, carve and paint your very own clay mushroom.

The Big Mushroom Hunt!

Join us at Left Bank Leeds for
an indoor art scavenger hunt.

Workshops (13-18 y/o)

  • Landscape Collages

    Workshop for 13+, 14/12/24

    Explore the art of collage by combining the medium with nature studies and landscapes. Learn new ways to bring out colour and texture with collage.

  • Clay Mushroom Sculptures

    Workshop for 13+, 14/12/24

    Poppy-Lee will be leading this beginner's workshop where you'll learn to sculpt, carve and paint your very own clay mushroom.